Hello! PLEASE LEAVE ANY COMMENTS AND OPINIONS...I COULD REALLY USE SOME HELP PLEASE if you know anything about American Indian artifacts!
I literally have discovered hundreds of these artifacts on my property in Northern Kentucky, and have hundreds more still in the ground to get. My extensive research finally has brought me to believing the items are various forms of portable rock art (janiform, polymorphic, zoomorphic etc), effigies, pendents, spirit/story stones, game stones, Shaman/Medicine man stones, & TONS of stone tools...among other items. I believe they closely resemble artifacts from the Woodland time/ Moundbuilders/Adena/Hopewell Indians, and my location would make that very possible!
I have collected fossils/rocks/minerals for over 20 years (that's how I discovered these artifacts), but am certainly in need of, & WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE ANY AND ALL EDUCATION/CONTACTS/INFO on anything related that you might kindly take the time to share with me!
Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance... Marla Fowler
Detailed fish profile/effigy-polymorphic rock art |
The next 5 photos are just a few of the animal & profile images on this very detailed piece of microart.....about the size of a marble, so I think it's considered micro. Anyway, I've found 11 images on this so far, but here are a fish with a close up, then another side with a serpent maybe (?) facing left & a cool bird in flight facing right. Close up of bird and another profile on artifact are just 4 of them. This piece just has something new every time I look, It is amazing!
Fish with mouth wide open... |
Large axe/hammer/chopper with fish/whale image |
Amazing 10" Human/Shaman Profile/Effigy |
Side 2-Human/Shaman Profile |
Bear image, or otter maybe?-bottom/side 2- Human/Shaman Effigy |
Next, I'm not sure, but the artifact below appears to be an axe or hammer that has crazy polymorphic features! Just check out that eye! Can you help on this one??
POSTING MORE ALL THE TIME....Thanks for looking!