Tuesday, January 24, 2017

MUST SEE THESE! Incredible American Indian Polymorphic Rock Art NEW FIND!!

Hello!  PLEASE LEAVE ANY COMMENTS AND OPINIONS...I COULD REALLY USE SOME HELP PLEASE if you know anything about American Indian artifacts!
 I literally have discovered hundreds of these artifacts on my property in Northern Kentucky, and have hundreds more still in the ground to get. My extensive research finally has brought me to believing the items are various forms of portable rock art (janiform, polymorphic, zoomorphic etc), effigies, pendents, spirit/story stones, game stones, Shaman/Medicine man stones, & TONS of stone tools...among other items. I believe they closely resemble artifacts from the Woodland time/ Moundbuilders/Adena/Hopewell Indians, and my location would make that very possible!
 I have collected fossils/rocks/minerals for over 20 years (that's how I discovered these artifacts), but am certainly in need of, & WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE ANY AND ALL EDUCATION/CONTACTS/INFO on anything related that you might kindly take the time to share with me! 
Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance...  Marla Fowler

Detailed fish profile/effigy-polymorphic rock art

The next 5 photos are just a few of the animal & profile images on this very detailed piece of microart.....about the size of a marble, so I think it's considered micro. Anyway, I've found 11 images on this so far, but here are a fish with a close up, then another side with a serpent maybe (?) facing left & a cool bird in flight facing right. Close up of bird and another profile on artifact are just 4 of them. This piece just has something new every time I look, It is amazing!

Fish with mouth wide open...

Large axe/hammer/chopper with fish/whale image

Amazing 10" Human/Shaman Profile/Effigy
Side 2-Human/Shaman Profile

 Bear image, or otter maybe?-bottom/side 2- Human/Shaman Effigy 

            Next, I'm not sure, but the artifact below appears to be an axe or hammer that has crazy polymorphic features! Just check out that eye! Can you help on this one??

                                     POSTING MORE ALL THE TIME....Thanks for looking!


  1. Found the same on our property. We should exchange info.
    Connie Stevens.Mannington WV.

  2. I have found these on my property also South East Tennessee. Research and reading the stories on the rocks indicates these are artifacts about Mar & Ana, Native American Indians. Mar also known as the God of War has an extensive history of world travel and so far have traced the art from fairly recent times to as far back as the Gendaya 300 million years ago. Have no laboratory proof. Visual inspection and research and the fact that every rock in this area down to and including the bedrock is carved. I noticed on a couple of your pieces;Mar wearing his battle helmet. Hope this helps. Thank you for posting these there are many of us who know about this art. It is also on mountains all over the world. Size ranges from microscopic to as large as a mountain range. I have also found ancient technology on some of the older pieces which produce hologram images and surprise me with the exquisite directional art. By changing and moving the lighting much more can be seen on these artifacts.

    1. I am responding to your comment on the hallagraphs you see I also see them they seem so real to me I see them on the surface and much more when I look deeper into the rock wallon the Rock itself I often have to put the Rock down ro to check if the worms snakes leaches etc are really there I have just discovered this rock art and need information because to tell the truth it scares me

    2. I just discovered some crazy peices in Northeast PA and they are exquisite. Feel free to email me i can send you some of the pictures ive got of the ones i found yesterday. I would love to see others from different areas. Thanks schaubtommy1@gmail.com

  3. I live in NwGA and also have similar rocks all around. Lots of quartz. Some I think have silver ore, and even gold ore. Very interesting stuff.

  4. Yates jerry24@gmail.com
    I'm in southeastern New Mexico
    That's some pretty neat rocks you posted.o have all kinds of rock art with faces pictures and carvings of t rex
    Dinosaurs human face carvings.i don't know how to post pics or stuff like that but when I figure out this computer stuff I'll put some out there for I to see

  5. I find many of these artifacts in Az as well its like all the tribes made the same types of tools but with different types of materials

  6. I can not get enuf of Native American artifacts The People are so talented Proud to be a part of their Heritage AWESOMENESS 🥰

  7. I have soooo many rocks that I feel are rock art but everyone laughs at me and/or calls me crazy. No one sees the stuff I see. All were found in various places along the river or under bluffs in somewhere alabama. I would love for anyone to look at some of my collection and tell me if I’m crazy or if I actually have a natural eye for this. It feels like gift. I’m 1/16 Cherokee and very proud of it

    1. Post yours too! Most people are ignorant on identifying Native American art/artifacts. Unless it's a distinct arrowhead, it's just a rock to them. You probably have a natural eye for them.

  8. I have found the same things on my mom's property I have made a group on Facebook please please everyone join and share your alls photos so my parents can stop thinking I'm crazy and telling me I'm wasting my time that there just rocks I have stuff that they call the oldest artifacts ever found like the oldawan pebble chopper I have literally everything add my ground please it's " all artifacts welcome buy sell or trade"
