Tuesday, December 20, 2016


What a find! Janiform rock art stone tool artifact.....perfect condition! Probably from the Moundbuilders (Adena/Hopewell) civilization....still researching. Please comment if you know about these artifacts, THANK YOU!

Please see my other posts for tons more pictures of polymorphic rock art and tool artifacts I recently discovered!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

More polymorphic Native American Indian rock/stone art and tool artifacts. My belief is they are from the Moundbuilders civilization- probably Adena/ Hopewell Indians. I am begging for comments, as I've collected fossils and rocks for 30 years, but am new to these amazing Indian artifacts. Educate me!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Even more new pics of Native American Indian rock art/artifacts. Still asking for any help/info you may have.....no one seems to have an opinion when ya want one! All comments appreciated!


Monday, December 12, 2016

Doesn't anyone know about the Adena/Hopewell Native American Indians, or the amazing portable rock art/tools they crafted? People are so willing to give their opinions, except when you ask for it!! Heres some more pics of artifacts Ive recently found......please comment!