Hello! Here are 40 more beautiful paleolithic artifacts. I would love your comments & opinions, as I still have so much more to learn about them (and the 100's more I have). I found all of these in Northern Kentucky on my property, and the creek nearby. Sorry they arent labeled yet, maybe you can help if you know about these amazing pieces of ancient history!
Marla Fowler

I'll bet you're not getting any answers from Archaeological Academia. I've been studying these things for a couple years now. For the most part I find that almost all of them are simple tools. I collected based on functionality for 1 1/2 years before I noticed the facial embellishments but there seems to be some on nearly everyone. If you email me at, redneckarchaeology@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI can send you a couple video links and pics with what my investigations have revealed so far. Please feel free to share this information as it might be a bit before it becomes mainstream. They still have a few avenues (dead end) to investigate before they have exhausted all other possibilities in the search for Native American origins and Clovis lithic technology. LOL! I knew better than to wait around for answers so I've done some pretty in-depth type work on this stuff.
Tim Banningee
Wow Thank You Tim! I will email you at the address u gave. I'm excited to see your videos! And it's funny, I too collected buckets of tools of all kinds before I began to notice images I could no longer deny. And yes, I too now see numerous images on just about every piece, especially those I've rinsed many times (with water only, under medium pressure). I have found SO MUCH DETAIL, on previously unremarkable pieces, with the rinse and soak method, its unbelievable. I just wish it went faster, cuz I have thousands still left to rinse and investigate! Thanks Tim!
DeleteMan you are exactly right I've tried contacting a archaeologist out Murray State University and even emailed some pics of stuff I had well after I was fortunate enough to have found you on YouTube I know now why I've had no response I have a lot of effigies and man like you say there are faces on them I would love to send you some pics if at all possible I've got some pretty good stuff email I you would email me and I'll send you some. Behind you 100% thanks. Dwight Almon.
DeleteMe and my husband could no longer deny what we were seeing either. Alot of these rocks tell a story. Details only seen when wet or at different times of the day. Pennypack park in Philly is our go to spot. Happy hunting😁
DeleteThe artifacts you have are much older than the usual stuff found by collectors, hence the lack of knowledge regarding these specimens, and therefore, shy away from showing any interest in them. I too have found similar artifacts near the Columbia River at the West end of the Columbia Gorge. Supposedly, they were deposited in this area by the Missoula Floods. Therefore, these are very ancient artifacts that
ReplyDeleteDefy explanation. Remember, there were many civilizations in North America before those who crossed the Bering strait land mass. Jack.
ReplyDeleteWell said Gary.
DeleteAlso, keep in mind Mother Earth is 4.5 billion years old!
ReplyDeleteI live on the Delaware river in Pennsylvania. And I also have found hundreds that are just like yours. I am also searching desperately got I formation about the age of them, etc... I am fascinated!!i always find a little something intesting our there. But this pastbkike 2 weeks, they’re Everywhere!! A lot like yours, but also a lot of large tools. Blades, celts, axes, big crude saw looking knife blades! Thanks for posting. If I can ever stop looking for more, I’ll clean some up and post my pics too!!
ReplyDeleteHi Amy! First, sorry for my huge delay in responding...I fell out of the loop, but am back. I too have tons of large tools like you listed, and I too cant stop looking, cuz this stuff is literally everywhere omg!! I am embarrassed to say, I have this stuff filling 3 rooms in my house. I have to hide it, or people will think I'm nuts just cuz they dont see what we do! I swear some of my huge axes had to have been used by huge people (lol cant say giants cuz people still think they didnt exist). All I know is many of them are to heavy/large for an average size person to use effectively!
DeleteOhmygoodness sakes... I'm so spooked by these photos. I literally have nearly every one. Exactly the same. Gave me goosebumps. I know this stuff is not coincidence...
ReplyDeleteHi Salina! No it's not coincidence! Thank God there are other people out there like you, who can also see the images... or I'd go insane lol. This stuff is literally everywhere where I live! Any chance you are anywhere near Southern Ohio/Northern Kentucky?
DeleteAlso, sorry for such a delay In responding. I didnt have my account set to send me notifications when someone commented, so i thought no one had for the longest time, duh lol. I fixed that, but then had to have some annoying surgeries so I'm out of the loop... but catching up some tonight finally! Thanks for commenting!
DeleteHi all, yes obvious ape images or glyphs or motifs as I usually refer to them, so this is the big clue as America has no known gorilla history, but has apes or monkey fossils from around 25million years or so ago, apparently. For the truthful investigation of these, check my blog https://eoliths.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteHi Brett! As always, thank you for your input! I have been missing in action for a bit, but am finally trying to catch up (with comments, new finds etc.). And yes I need to hit up your blogspot again. It's been awhile, and I learn so much from you....thank you!
DeleteCheck out the 18lb. black granite effigy I have listed on eBay. Let know what think. Jack.
ReplyDeleteeBay item number 332754761795.Thanks. Jackman. (Hope this helps your search.)
ReplyDeleteHi Gary! Yes, all your information (& everyone elses) helps! Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy cuz they cant see what we do...so it's great to hear from you guys and learn from you. I also want to apologize for just getting back to you. Im in the middle of a few bone graft surgeries, so I dont currently get on here as much as I want to...but I do appreciate, and absorb all the info you send me....Thank you!
DeleteMarla, I hope you are well. I possibly discovered a collection of ancient North American art. They are mostly portable stone carvings, but not all. The photos and details are posted on wingedbison.com. Like you, I am continue to look for answers. With all respect, John
ReplyDeleteI have a collection of about 100 different rocks that I believe we're alive at some point in history. Mine are much more detailed and am looking for answers also.
ReplyDeleteI have collected face rocks here in North Georgia. It is amazing how much I love seeing these beautiful finds.... Thank you for sharing....
ReplyDeleteI'm from mi, and have lots of the same stones and Crystal's here, they do have souls the ancients believed there was life in everything and they seem to come alive when being held
DeleteThank You. I have a lot of these on my property as well. Mine depict world travel and competition. The Thunderbird symbol is on most of the artifacts in this area. Here it is associated with the Tuscarora Cherokee and each piece tells a story. It is great that you have posted this online. This quality of art is only now being introduced to the world. It is a great way to rewrite history from the art that tells the story. Martin Visconti
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to find people.That find. This type of rare and unusual artifacts artifacts.I have many.Im not a head hunter.Im into rare and unusual artifacts.all of my pic.are personal finds.peace out.and good hunting.
ReplyDeleteHunter of rare and unusual artifacts.It never disappointed.
ReplyDeleteI live in Arizona and here I find the all kinds of amazing beautiful art pieces just like the ones you have
ReplyDeleteI'm from South Central ky and would like to show you what I've found here if you want to see them then reply
ReplyDeleteI am from arkansas. I have a lot of what you have and I thank they are used for blood letting. Most of mine are made to turn in your hand and your fingers all ways stops on a open mouth.
ReplyDeleteHi-some wonderful stones/rocks/pebbles or woteva u want 2 call them.I'm in Oz-Gold Coast/QLD&av exactly same/similar ones so i think its just nature as only explanation 4 occurence of same here. Can find faces in everything but just plain old stone worn that way 2 my mind-but still love them ALL!!
ReplyDeleteNice collection. Lots of profiles! Very nice I would love to see your collection in person or a video. The profiles are amazing I have a huge collection my self. How do I post my rocks like you do here
ReplyDeleteDostum mükemmel hepsi birbirinden güzel bende 2 yıldır merakım vardı ama bunların ne olduğuna nerden geldiği hakında hiç bir bilgim yoktu fakat dün akşam internet sayasinde biraz araştırma yaptım ve bunların çok eski cağlara ayıt olduğunu o cağlardaki insanların bunları yaptığını öğrendim benim fikrim düşüncemi söylüyorum gördüğümüz figürlerde adını hiç bilmediğimiz hayvan simgeleri var bu insanlar kendi dönemindeki yaşadığı hayvanların resimlerini çizmişler fakat korktukları içinmi yoksa başka bir nedenmi onu bilemiyorum elindekilerinin hepsi birbirinden güzel ve değerli benim elimde de var yaklaşık 500 adet senin yaptığını yapamıyorum çünkü öyle bir durumum yok keşke olsaydı kendimi sadece bunlara verirdim bilmeyen insanlara bunları anlatırdım bilgilendirirdim ama öyle bir imkanım yok gücümde yok yurt dışından birine elimdekileri satmayı dusunuyorum
ReplyDeleteHi my name is Chris I'm in southern New Mexico in a town called Deming. Many of my fines were here but also the Truth or consequences area and Hila Forest adjacent. I've found many examples similar to yours but it seems like I'm the only one who sees them most of the time. I had started to think that perhaps I was losing my mind and I am imagining and seeing things that aren't there. After looking at yours I feel much better about the collection I have put together. I find that on most of my pieces there are literally dozens of drawings,sculptings,carvings on each one and in combination with each other as a whole. Many of them I had collected a simple rocks because I was drawn to them for some reason and brought them home and put them in my rock garden. And then I found one that was obviously something that's someone had carved or etched into it or at least the edge because it looked just like a face. After a closer look, I began to see all of the different things that were on there. Incredible. Which made me curious and started looking at all rocks a little differently and realized that most of the ones I had collected had wonderful and work in it that I had not seen before on them. My eyes were literally opened and my mind allowed the art to be seen. Well that's my story.Now I have two or three hundred pieces probably. And I love every one of them. Thanks for sharing yours with all us lost souls who are always looking at the ground.
ReplyDeleteTotally understand. 100% I don't even try to show many people because it's pointless and they are blind. I believe for a reason now. I see mine change all the time. With heat cold the moon and sun phases. The time of day even if there are certain pieces together and separate. I believe this happens with metal ores/minerals reacting off of each other. I have watched photographic type faces emerge as if the energy in the artifact is alive. A type of Inter dimensional window opening. I'm as serious as I can be in saying there is no way I'm just trippen about these observations.
DeleteI apologize. The word "Fines" was supposed to be "Finds"
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I found your blog! I love it! I thought I was going batty, I see faces and drawings, carved areas I have been around rocks all my life! I'm 68 retired got lots lots of rocks, I would like to send some pics to you to see what I have, you won't belive what I have! There's so much I want to know and say I need help with what I got, I can't get help, I'm glad others are like me,! I think I have things that no man could make with his hands, the stuff on these rock had to be Lazer down there so small and it's like a map on a rock as big as a. softball! Thank you for listening and for your great blog!! Gary Mero Cheboygan,Michigan. I live up north by the Mackinaw bridge.....
ReplyDeleteI have hunted for native American artifacts for as long as I can remember. Recently while digging a basement I started noticing some rocks that look like they had been worked by human hands but the material isn't right. I know with everything in me that I have stumbled into what I believe is a manufacturing site.
ReplyDeleteI'm in elnora Indiana. If you want to message me at 812 612 2824. U will be pleasantly surprised!!
ReplyDeleteP.s. I'm not a weirdo just a fellow rocker who is as serious as you are. I think this is a great opportunity to learn from each other's finds.
ReplyDeleteAvid outdoorsmen /carpenter for 35 years so i instantly see these artifacts. / angles rounded edges carcvings etc as i scour the woods in new york! Started collecting last december the first find was like a drug!!!!!! Tottally addicted cant stop nor do i plan to!!! I have thousands of pcs now dime size to huge carved black stone heads cant deny the past peoples of our awsome planet! Rock on rock addicts! Keep pickin! Ill be setting up a site i want to sell before my floors cave in ! Peace!
ReplyDeleteI found a catch of the face figures. If they weren't arranged faceing each other in a circle, I would have just thought how cool. Alot of chert that when touched flakes off to look like limestone if it didn't happen to me on a double knife blade curved opposite directions I would have thought it was plain limestone. This I found behind a small waterfall
ReplyDeleteI showed mine to the greatest amature archeologist I'll ever meet sorry I can't say here Don Miller , waldron indiana. Fbi raided his collection I bought a farm from him. Regardless what many think of don he was not afraid of TPTB, AS MANY HERE KNOW, WE HAVE BEEN SO LIED TO. ONE DAY I ASKED DON WHY HE HAD SO MANY BONES.
ReplyDeleteI told him about my teacher in biology when he said bones when buried as most take 120 years to turn back to dirt. I scratched my head and said then why do you say the bones that washed out of the creek are 8000 years old??? He tried the normal bs but in the end flunked me because he couldn't answer. Or my shop teacher that told me certain buildings in America. Made of marble and granite out west with blocks hundreds of tons shipped that stone 10,000 miles across the ocean in sailing ships almost the same size. Then drug them over the cascade Mountains. BY mules. Yet 20 mule hitches can't haul half that. His answers most of TPTB didn't want told. He held more EARNED PHDS in engineering then I knew existed.
That's what I've found out with something 8ve found on my private beach over the border in Baja Mexico, I found tons fossils and artifacts so perfectly preserved, I swear 9n everything I found a chunk of the middle of a big fish that was must have been cut for eating ,but was buried or something but they had technology to preserve it so well that it's a stone now but perfectly preserved, the insides and skin looks like a stone statue, and oysters, sea snails all perfectly preserved but are now rocks but look like they did when they were stored thousands of years ago except completely sold stone .. hard to explain , I joined a fossil group and they said that was impossible and they weren't real.. they are and 8ve been trying to find someone who knows anything about stuff like this and see if I can get some advice , I'm no archaeologist I'm no paleologist I'm just a normal everyday person but these things are plain as day and I can only imagine if I can find someone that knows what they're looking for and what I've got they would be able to see what I'm talking about , or maybe it's a common fossil thing but Google says no very rare
DeleteI dont understand why i love rocks so much thruout the years i have found many im about to post some pics.
ReplyDeleteif you found all these on your property it must be a magic spot can any one tell me where i can sell my pieces
I also have been deeply researching and finding the same artifacts And all the above have mentioned for the last two years here in Missouri…I am fascinated beyond belief and all the amazing Workmanship and markings etc. etc. I can’t help but to feel A sort of deep connection for lack of a better way of expressing it with these ever so simple yet so beyond brilliantHumans that must’ve existed and how they connected so deeply with the earth in nature…I’ve come to believe that it goes deeper than the Paleo or the neolithic Neanderthal era quite possibly
Thank you to all🙋🏻
Hi, I’m from the hill country of Texas! I too have thousands of artifacts that look just like yours. I have been collecting for 15 years off my 3 acres . Lots of felines, bears , apes, and human profiles. I just love love love finding them, cleaning them, and then just MARVELING at their OUTSTANDING workmanship! It’s good to know I’m not the only one out there who sees what I see! I too thought I was going nuts…but reading everyone’s comments, it looks like we’re all in this incredible boat together…in fact I believe “ “they” chose us to tell their story…
ReplyDeleteThe artifacts I am finding in Redding Ca I believe to be Stone Age. Long before Native Americans so many rock images of western type features often with a swept back Mesopotamia style hat. I have too many detailed examples , these people came over the landbridge / Bering sea I have carvings in Stone of Elephants,, Birds ,Eagle heads, 20 or more exquisite ducks with their heads tucked under their wings , and by far the most interesting about 10 rocks of totally different sizes that when lightly tapped continue to vibrate for a super long time , some will stand up. Kids toys. Could be I have found many tools , some native and others napped more crudely yet still exceptional that I firmly believe are prehistoric and could be same age of French cave artifacts. In little old Redding Ca. And yes. Some people are finders are more observant than most, and I feel I am documenting a part of history that is blank , It’s not popular to talk about a society many thousand of years before the native Americans , but whoever it was that was here first .left a huge amount of “evidence “ and clearly did not wish to be forgotten , there rock carving skill set and eye for detail awesome , yet so wasted and unappreciated by modern man and their boring uninterested kids. Rock on richard
DeleteGreat rocks I enjoyed looking at them.. I see a lot in the rocks too. I'm from north of Kentucky close to the Ohio River, and I've been collecting rocks for many years... I too see the same similarities as many have mentioned. I can be occupied with rocks for a good minute lol. I just thought maybe it'was what Spirit wanted me to see cuz nobody else saw the things that I did, so I just kept it at that. So I find it very interesting that I'm not the only one that sees and thinks some of the same things as others. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI live on the Pacific coast in. Baja California Mexico over the border of the United States and San Diego CA. living in Mexico gives me freedom to Rockhound, as well as collect native American artifacts and fossils with no limitations, I live on a private beach and we had some bad storms but it u covered some incredible artifacts and fossils as well as rare rocks , I wasn't into collecting rocks , fossils, or artifacts , but when I started finding some amazing one on my beach , I am hooked , do I'm still learning and now have my own playground untouched by anyone , cause for one the few people who have access to our beach could careless any of that, not want to know, So I'm by myself and would love to find a an archaeologist that knows what to look for, I'm sure I'm passing up so many vital artifacts , fossils, and stones , plus I don't know how to clean or not clean fossils .. anyways I've found some awesome artifact like yours , one very cool one is a small black volcanic rock in the shape of a snake head and it has a hole perfectly where the eye is and there's a tiny shell in it, giving it a perfect slit like a snake eye , and a turtle head, and a whale , and a whole bunch of tools.. there's even a small boulder that appeared with a spiral carved in it ,one of the most sacred symbols in ancient times and all of the world .. I see this is in Europe but I have other stones in the shape of things I can't figure out and maybe you can help Id them .
ReplyDeleteYou can contact me at tracifontane@gmail.com..
Is there anyone that certifies and appraises such artifacts,including paleolithic animal effigies as well.
ReplyDeleteHallelujah! I have been torturing myself for four years trying to find any information on the collection I have. Like yours, they are remarkable. I've seen what they call "rock art" on eBay, it is in no comparison to what you and I share in common. The manipulation of combined minerals is like nothing ever seen or studied. At least not to my findings, if you'll allow me to, I'd like to share a few of the MANY I have acquired of the years, in a private email. I have acquired these often "hiding" in plain sight as the best time to view the ones I have come across is right at sunup or sundown. They appear drastically different (more recognizable) during those times. My email is tattoosbygypsy13@gmail.com I will be in touch, if you will. Thank you for sharing!!