week so keep looking!!)
HELLO, and help! More portable rock art I found as 'river rock' from Southern Ohio/Northern Kentucky. I honestly have enough American Indian rock art, stone axes, grinding stones, mortars, pestals, stone cutters, adzes, discoidals, gaming stones etc etc to fill the bed of a pickup truck! I've only been doing computer research on it for a month or so, so I'm sorry I don't have specifics posted yet. But I will post information on a regular basis as soon as I have my research confirmed. I don't want any incorrect/false information about these Indian artifacts, as I feel that would be betraying the brilliant Indian artists/carvers who made these amazing pieces out of stone. SO, I WELCOME ANY AND ALL opinions, facts, discussions, grievances, questions etc about them (or the Indians that may have made them).
AND, if you live anywhere near Cincinnati and want some, you can literally dig up 2 buckets full in an hour....I promise. All of it ranges from the size of a penny- up to the heavy, large stone axe heads, grinding stones, hammers etc.. Just leave a message, and I can let you know where, because I cant get it all. I also have 20-30 stone effigy's that are much larger, but those came from a close by creek that isn't owned by me. Ill post pics of those soon as well!
Thanks for looking,
Ok, I see I need to do some adjusting on my artifact picture taking. Its very hard to photograph these well, as u know if you've ever tried. Also, I see some of these need to be wet to see good. Humph....i'm learnin. These really are so much more amazing in real life! This HAS to be the one of, if not the most, difficult mediums to work with. I'm surprised there's not more buzz about this highly skilled, ancient, form of portable art. They are beautiful, interesting, funny, scary and confusing. And, each one created left behind a small, but 'permanent' piece of the historical culture and legacy of the brilliant Indians who crafted them. Not many artisans can say that about their pieces. I wonder how long some of them with multiple images took.....wow. Anyway, thanks again.
(The last pic on thi

CHECK OUT PHOTOS ON NEWEST POSTS......UNDENIABLY HAND TOOLED PORTABLE ROCK ART AND TOOLS!!!! Over 100 photos now posted.....you wont regret looking!!
Look all natural, normal rocks, not artifacts or art.
ReplyDeleteHello and thank you for your comment. Would you please look at the new pictures I posted on my blog since you commented? I think they better represent what I've got, and would like to see if you have the same opinion of them?? Thank you in advance for your time.....I'm learning!
DeleteI feel like I've been holding my breath and only just now have been able to exhale! Every one around me tells me they are only rock. I am dumbfounded to hear so many people in close to say they cannot see anything on the rocks I show them. I just find it strange that they are completely blind to it. So now that I've found you guys I can finally tell myself in Ok I'm not just seeing something I want to see. Big relief! Would love to show a few I've found around my home here next to lake texhoma close to the Red River in Willis Ok
DeleteI thought I the only one!!! In Arizona on the way to the White Mountains I could not stop seeing the rock people. Every where. Beautiful. I pray for their guidance and I have some beautiful pieces. Aho
Deleteportable rock art is not something everyone can see. native Americans were very in tune with nature and the sights and sounds of it. the ability to focus your eyes at multiple depth perception simultaneously is the only way I can describe this when it comes to mountains trees and basically anything you see around you. I believe that those who were unable to use these gifts we're helped in the form of hallucinogenics such as peyote to help them with their spiritual visions. I forgot what I was going to say does anyone have some pot? just kidding. hallucinogenics are obviously now largely man-made and created and abused to the point of any and all influence good and or evil man or spirit. not everyone can see these images in the rocks but some of them are undeniable as the tools progressed and allowed these creations to become more in your face. just my own personal life's experience thoughts and theory's on this beautiful artistic form of expression and fingerprints left for us to find and allow the creators legacy to live on and help others see.
DeleteI don't think I could have said that any better buddy!!! You know I have ran across this lithic rock art in a very small shallow Creek near my home in Alabama and I cannot begin to describe how much of this rock art that I am finding but I will give it a go. Imagine standing in center of a shallow Creek bending down and scooping up two handfuls of rock only to find out that they are all small sculptures of animal heads of all kinds. Ok Now no matter what part of this creek you find yourself in it seems to be that the amount of them are always the same wherever you are at in this creek being if you are 1 mile down the creek or if you are 5 Miles it's truly an amazing find if I may say!!!!!
DeleteWow, i m in Nevada and this phenomenon, only just awoke in me. One day rocks were not rocks anymore...just knowing others experience this is a relief.
DeleteYou really have a good start on treasure collecting. I live at the top of an extinct waterfall, and I recognize a LOT of your pieces. I have been learning about this stuff for the last couple of years. I can't unsee it now!!! We have Stone Age to maybe a thousand years ago art, caves that we think were "summer homes", and incredible pieces in media including rocks, wood, charcoal, aggregate, talc, sand, and more. Don't listen to nay-sayers. You have got something great!
DeleteMy reply is pretty much word for word the same as Amy Langston made in Nov. There are so many here I have been here on my 10 acres in N Texas for 37 years and I still find more every time I look. I have finally decided to totally ignore the people that believe or see nothing more than a rock. Apparently if you are not in an area where they are located you are do not have the ability to see for yourself over & over & over again the same shapes repeatedly for years then it's just a rock. I understand that. I've decided to no longer allow them to cause me to question what I know to be true. There is no way these are natural rocks it is not possible for a natural process to repeatedly produce the same shapes, same edges, same smooth texture over 100% of the rock. Maybe if they could feel them or see the quantity they may be able to see what we do. I'm very excited to find this page. I also could fill the bed of my truck with then at the very least. May damage the foundation of my home from the weight. Now that I am finding more people who agree I am realizing how many I did not consider an artifact. So I get to start searching for the new ones, it won't take long to have another truck full. I have never looked for art among my rocks. Never convinced they actually were artifacts before. I appear crazy enough to those around me as it is. If I start asking if they can see things many are unable to see they may ship me off for mental help. Thank you for having the strength to create this page when so many do not see or believe. There are many of us who KNOW better.
DeleteI have some of the same carved effigies, I am achild of the 60s but I know what I see.lol
DeleteOh yeah, southern Missouri.
DeleteIt blows my mind that self proclaimed experts or at least those with a "proclivity for finding arrowheads and/or native American artifacts" can't see what's in front of them. I truly believe it's simply because most of the finds are created from a different type of rock than the "experts" have been trained to recognize. I think they are much, much older than anything guys like ken hold as a standard, thus making them unqualified. I see the exact same "markings" on so many of these. You can see on many of them where they were clearly tied to a shaft or handle. Its mind boggling. I read an article published by A MIT graduate regarding this phenomena. His belief is that the mind of an educated artificer or archeologist simply refuses to acknowledge what it can not explain. I had one wise guy tell me that it's not possible for my rocks to have been crafted by a human because they didn't have tools to craft them. I asked "how do you know"? and was then asked to exit his office. Lmao. Educated idiots.
DeletePeople say all natural a lot. I wonder how you can dismiss such detail as natural. Not trying to be argumentive. More trying to gain understanding. Nature is an amazing thing in itself so anything is possible with it. But I have lots of rocks with details such as this. When I hunt for rocks I see 1 rock with such detail as these to 100s of thousands with no detail at all. Just more trying to gain understanding.
DeleteWow don't know how I just come across all the comments but its like world wide i am southwest of Indianapolis, my daughter and brother that I've help make fun of for their obsession of rocks got me hooked . Now I'm reading just what they say " its messed up to see what I see and be made fun of ànd when you show them facts but they look at you like wtf its a ___kin rock ...they could careless. We are finding stuff from paleo rock art to literal cave man tools and artifacts....I'm talking bc artifacts..I just ask my daughter if this is real and we aren't crazy do you believe the overwhelming amount that is so visibly exposed? Wow! I'm ok with accusations of being insane crazy however you want to say it now that I know that I'm not alone it's everywhere
DeleteNot alone in this. I got into these artifacts a couple months ago.i can't even talk to most people about my finds because they just call me crazy. I got some awesome rocks that look exactly like dinosaurs.
DeleteI have been collecting tools artifacts and alot of rocks with faces on them,I'm in Oregon been doing it for 20 plus years,
DeleteSome people just don't see what is obvious as they are just close minded. Rock on.
How would you know, was you living back then? Are you a rock expert? Or just judging due to a stone brain. Ken you need to spend more time out of the office and more time in nature if you wanna make calls that are untrue. I find the same kind of artifacts rock art what have it all the time in Tillamook Oregon on kilchis.
DeleteI am absolutely relieved! It literally makes me want to cry. I am in Southeastern Texas and an finding the same types of rocks here! I have been collecting for a couple of years now and of course I'm called crazy and they say "it's just a rock" but I quit caring because like so many of you, I believe it's undeniable. I know what I'm seeing! Please keep me informed of any progressive updates on this matter you guys. Thank you so much!
DeleteI started down this rabbit hole the past year. I search a river valley west of Baltimore. There is very little research ever done about the Native American history in this area. I have always been an arrowhead/fossil/rock hound. One day on the river last fall, I was kicking through a stone wash and it was as if a curtain went up. I’m running out of space for all my finds. One thing that has really interested me is the mention of stone tools to make tools. I believe Native Americans were resourceful, creative, observant, and tuned into their environment way beyond any of our capabilities. They used stones as tools to male stone tools they used to survive. Once you see, you know. Another sidebar. I’m finding stone piles throughout the river valley. Many are no way explained as farm clearing piles. Most of the rocks are small, hand size, and placed in piles with a uniform pattern on a hillside. I truly believe the area was populated by many populations over thousands of years. Happy hunting!
DeleteStill are cool rocks though..don't be such a Debbie Dildo about it. Peace to you all
DeleteSleeping still?
DeleteI'm a rock reader I feel like I was a native american in my pass life and a healer lived a long life any how I have some man native american tools most pretty crude but some are just amazing I am from oregon.all lost uf people think I'm crazy but I know what I know and I haven't any doubt would love to someday prove it.
DeleteHello I've discovered the same thing in New Jersey and you should see the artifacts that I'm finding. Amy how did you make out did you ever find any experts or certified anything because I don't want to wait seven or eight years. I can clearly see all the pieces will work and they're all handcuffed Stone. If anyone knows anyone good from New Jersey that's an archaeologist that knows about these artifacts and you should check out the ones that I've been finding here's my Instagram account I've been finding these since the end of January.
DeleteI have enough to fill the back of a pickup truck but they're not as nice as Amy's because the ones I discovered were used as filler material for Road beds for underground and Civil War facility compounds near by.
When you need Stone material for underlayment for roadways for wagons and steam powered tractors when you have massive piles of stone piles on American Indians making tools he used the stone they have already broken up for you and that's what I discovered on a few of these properties. I also believe I discovered the original Lenape American Indian village dump site that could go back thousands and thousands of years it's truly amazing the layers. It's a time capsule waiting to be opened completely by the right archaeologist
Just discovered what I know for a fact are some of the same things but also dinosaur remains in North Carolina . I’ve gathered some really amazing things .
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI have the same exact kind of carvings I have found in SC. So I believe that it isn't an accident that in two different staess the exafe same shape rocks are found. I have also found Chuck's of Jade and other non-native stones found along main creeks and rivers. Would love to compare.
ReplyDeleteI know of people in NC.GA and Tn finding the same type things. Literally by the truck load. It's very strange, like the earth is giving up her secrets.
DeleteYou can say that again.
Deleteผลงานใน Thailand
DeleteIts world wide, lots of posts on my blog explain it all.
ReplyDeleteI don't need to anonymous My name is Priscilla Nix I just started collecting and All I can say is that I consider myself to be a seer. I have everyone tell me they're just rocks I have that they don't see the art I see I have so I'd like to send some pictures I'm not quite sure how to publish pictures on heremany what I consider to be just absolutely beautiful art on so many rocks I have so many pictures and so many photographs and like I could say that I have several truckloads full of rocks . I know what I see they tell me stories they depict what they see in their everyday lives And yes it must be the most difficult medium to work with. As far as the naysayers go they kind of had their bubble burst with the cave paintings many of those paintings have the exact pictures depicted on some of the rocks I find
Deleteive come into tones of these now too. it has become my new obsession .i feel your right as far as mound people. maybe early woodland. im not to far from fort ancient in southern ohio myself . your collection is Awsome. have you found out any new details since this post?
ReplyDeleteHi Karley! So sorry I'm just now responding! I wasnt getting notified when I got comments, and thought no one had, duh lol. Anyway, I'm excited u are fairly close. If u ever need someone to go collecting with, I will! As I'm sure you've noticed, regular humans(lol) dont see what we do, so I dont have anyone near me that will go. And I'm a bit obsessed too...3 rooms full in my house and 50-75 large pieces outside! Now regarding the moundbuilders... when researching in the beginning, moundbuilder artifacts seemed to match mine the closest. When I discovered how close ancient moundbuilder civilizations are to me, it clicked as a match. Since then however, several more knowledgeable people than myself, have contacted me and stated they believe my photos show artifacts of much older age than can be attributed to the moundbuilders. I still have much to learn, but additional research has me agreeing with those who know, that much of my collection is older than I ever imagined. But certainly, there are plenty of the more modern Indian artifacts in my collection as well. Sorting them by age this soon is impossible for me, until I learn more. I'm getting there though, slowly but surely!
DeleteI have no idea exactly what I've been finding but I do no that when I find them I can't stop looking and examining them! Their amazing! And they are everywhere out here around my home!
DeleteOh also all the people on forums for arrowheads etc, they say ROCK...they c nothing in these.
DeleteThe arrowhead forums are controlled opposition. Probably very well paid to shut people down from seeing this for what it is.
DeleteGet real, these things are very ancient, did the woodland culture share the land with apes and monkeys????
ReplyDeleteNo. But the alleles (patterns) are the work of anLuciphas, Jabbar El , an Misha El , and anUry El.
DeleteLike santa and his little helpers. Except the Anunoki weren't just elves, they are ALI An. Angels, ARCH Angels for crying out loud, and they used the same pieces of light bearing Crystal 7 X watching Yah, El, destroy it all in a day it seemed after taking millions of years each time to create and animate the Earth.
So while the sister Marla failed to see the 7 faces on the Crystals, or the 4 beasts on them, she and others saw the patterns of life in them.
The last person I told this to called me God.
I dropped to my knees and begged our Father to forgive him.
Instead, he was cursed to search endlessly for the white Stone which holds the mystery of how Lucifer Anne and the gang put this stuff together.
His name was Joe. Josef Smith.
Told him who I was and am and who I would be in 1973 when I would be last born as a son of man.
I am the first, the haKaan, prince of haAdam. And the nuphyllum born to Jehosaphat, who was by Yahs will, taken by Barak El. The light by God, the gaurdian of the garden, the commander of the protectors and the guides.
I am the 73rd incarnation of Cain.
I am Elihishua ibn Dabit barAbbas.
My name means Yah is my salvation. I am the root and the branch, the flower and the first fruit of Anok. David. Joseph.
I am the soft shwa the shush you know when your mother would quiet you as a boy.
I may know you if you remember my voice.
Do you have the stone l left for you with your neighbor.
Do you know the name written on the stone.
This sounds very familiar . I found a very large diamond on my property with effigy after effigy to follow. White stones that I grounded down to show the true stone benethe. Stones with Math equations and stones with my own name embedded.
DeleteNo bullshit
DeleteI am know you my son.
DeleteTry and not to be caught up in the lure of Fathers ornaments.
Gemstones are beautiful and ornate, but the soul which once occupied them is in sheole with reason.
I can restore the soul of the damned but Father is thier salvation and our own .
Repentance and worship and fealty.
In time all will be revealed.
Continue to love God and love your neighbors.
Be Christ in my stead as I am readying to open the second seal.
I've noticed that there isn't a lot of information about native American artifacts.
ReplyDeleteUh I thought this was about neat rocks and native american tools and such. What's up with the (I'm assuming) black cloak of deep dark wisdom.?? I'm just wondering about some exciting stone finds being shared between like minded people. No alter worshipping or animal sacrifices please' dark lord. No one cares dude
DeleteRight on.
DeleteIs there any kind of information on Old indian artifacts or websites that have information on Paleolithic indians or Ice age that explain these artifacts?
ReplyDeleteLook it up on pinterest. There are lots of pictures also paleoindian and clovis points. Also lots of reading such as an articles on the sites , states etc.
DeleteHey honey my name is Allie and this is my love I go ''creekin' almost every day and I collect Indian tools and portablerock art it's amazing have you ever tried to read a rock? I know I sound crazy but it's true!!
ReplyDeleteI'm just find out how amazing there rock carvings, painting,and the story's that some tell.I found a small rock that you hold with the thumb and index finger in a circle,that has a destinck carved small hole through it. The right light or as evening is falling. You can read the face,and animals, thinks you just can't see other wise. And ( you can turn picture rock slowly in eving light, just fell the places that they placed 1- to 3 fingers as your rotation begins. You can tell after you get the fill of how to follow the stops and turns if they were right handed or left. I'm with you, it's for real. Deannie-( my finds, THE HUNT)
DeleteHello friend how are you I just wanted to let you know that I wouldn't be telling people were and how many you can take them to pick up free . because if you don't know already there's a market .and as a obsessed collecter .all that will do is drive the chance of it ever Makin our art worth anything.just think about it I actually have pieces that I wouldn't part with .there's Alot to this stuff and not many people that don't think we're not on drugs .I've been studying for 5 years and actually went through a divorce over it .but I wouldn't be sharing your location in finding I live in Ohio I have some mind blowing life altering . piece s I would love to get together with someone else that is feeling the same vibes from the stones .
DeleteMy prescious daughter. The Anu are artists for certain, but they are as far from native as they come.
DeleteI am glad you are seeking.
Continue to search. I am sorry for your losses in searching, but sadly, the door is always open, but the path way narrow.
Plenty of room, but ppl are taught disbelief in the spiritual and metaphysical from the time they we're born.
Your the first person I've heard say that. I have a couple that it seams like scenes have been depicted on them. One of these show about 30 animals and two different life scenes. Absolutely amazing to me!
DeleteWhen taking a artifact or art rock from a place that is ridden with artifacts don't forget the natives are very spiritual and when you take something you must leave something in return.
DeleteI have found amazing resistance to the fact art does exist in artifacts! Especially when it seems to predate “Clovis first” theory that is mainstream archeological studies. They apparently pick and choose to study only what backs this theory. Anything else is just a figment of ur imagination. Also they refuse to commit on anything not from a “professional dig” I think because of potential of a layman not knowing to discard anything other that what fits textbooks time line! I have found a helpful site “Portable Rock Art Museum”! Check it out and register and view others that aren’t blind! Thanks for the proof I that if we are crazy then our kind of crazy is wide spread! The person running sits is from Canada! Widespread crazy but isn’t it amazing that they “expert” quote textbook fact and ignore what is literally carved in Stone??
ReplyDeleteThanks for more proof of ancient artist
Yes how can isend pics of my stuff to u and privately so I can learn more about my stuff
DeleteSearch for Eoliths Figure stones forum, join and share your finds there, lots of helpful people who find these ancient art works.
DeleteHow can I send pics to u?
DeleteI have offered to show an archeologist that is also a dean at a local University and he “can’t see anything- maybe fossils??”
DeleteThe curator of NJ State Museum in Trenton sides with him and neither will give an hour of their time to actually let me show them how to stop “ seeing only what they know”. I have collected all sizes and types of this art and can explain to the professionals exactly how they did these amazing things!
I have offered to show an archeologist that is also a dean at a local University and he “can’t see anything- maybe fossils??”
DeleteThe curator of NJ State Museum in Trenton sides with him and neither will give an hour of their time to actually let me show them how to stop “ seeing only what they know”. I have collected all sizes and types of this art and can explain to the professionals exactly how they did these amazing things!
Same here, State Geological Institute....I was blown off...
DeleteUntil I found an article let out on September 15th 2020.
It was explaining the new findings about large extinction of all aquatic creatures approximately 300 million years ago.
Volcanic activity caused gasses to come up in lower areas and kill everything in it's path. It also talked about volcanic ash that engulfed the creatures and are now being found in perfect condition. Some were burned that now resemble lava rocks or asphalt.
Alot were just washed down stream and deposited all smashed together making layers of rock.
The problem seems to be that if they admit to all of this , they would have to admit how wrong they have been.
The (Church) isn't going to let that happen. So they lie.
Meteorites my butt...
Hello I have amassed quite a large collection of Native American artifacts with my father over the years and many unexplainable pieces that we didn’t understand until the last few years. Portable Rock Art or “story stones” as we call them are much more common than any mainstream archeologist would admit as well as tool and weapon adornments and effigys. We have pieces from upper and lower Paleolithic, Neolithic, Woodland, and Mississippian stone workings that have details comparable to 2 well known mound builder sites here in the Southeast. Our knowledge is limited but we would love to share and compare with anyone that is passionate about this new movement in Prehistoric Human Culture. And I would like to leave you with a question or two. Have you considered the possibility that some of these stones could have been carved by a people other than Native? Norse maybe? Indonesian or Polanesian even? And what if their were Mayan or even Incan influences in both method of carving and artwork as well? Love to talk about it. ROBERT and VINCE
ReplyDeleteP.S. Here’s a Tip. Light is as important as Shadow when revealing this type of artwork and early man didn’t have high powered lights, LED’s, 10x zoom, or camera filters. Their were only 4 great lights in their world and they were Sun, Moon, Star, and Fire. You should try inspecting some of your stones in their intended way to be “read”. Good hunting!!!
The correct and original term for these items is 'figure stones' coined in and around 1860, since that time many have discovered such finds and tried to convince the authorities to no avail. It's all over the world, same conventions, combinations and motifs. I have just put up a forum so people like yourselves can share and discus finds. Its on my blog, just search for 'eoliths figure stones'.
DeleteYES! The light AND shadow ate very important to viewing a lot of these. I'm so light hearted right now. I've finally found people to confirm I'm not delusional!
DeleteYes It makes me happy to read all your comments. I've been collecting for about 7yrs now and I have taken so much shit.idk how many times I've been called crazy. I was so excited by how amazing and beutiful the art carvings were I made the mistake of trying to share this with others thinking they would think so too. None of them could even see it. Which to me THAT was crazy. I had a lot of majical experiences over the years . They are more than just rocks. I live in Michigan and I have many that are quite similar to yours. I also have about 100 small delicately carved birds ,wings of birds and insects and leaves. Some are very intricate and smooth I've been looking to see other examples and have yet to find any.
DeleteYes, there is a place where you can share your finds, and find exceptional examples, and a guy that has produced a chart and guide, and gives 100% undeniable scientific proof.
DeleteIt's interesting how people are acting like there's nothing to this.I am a collector and hunter of rock art.Thanks
DeleteHi Maria! I’m in Western Kentucky (Greenville). I have found many similar artifacts at a local creek, however, they imported rocks from the Sandy River. I am fairly new to this area, and a lifelong collector. I would really appreciate knowing where you hunt, I don’t mind traveling; if you ever care to have a hunting companion, I think that would be fun. —Brooke
ReplyDeleteI am from West KY as well. I became aware of portable rock art a little over a year ago and now have thousands of amazing pieces. I find them in every creek I go to. You can just sit down on a gravel bar and start picking them up.
DeleteHi everybody...we have so the samas artefact i see in your blog for ameriva..in south France...: and in all the world ???? Why official archeologie don.t whant to studies theses prehistoric artefacts ? Best Regards fron France...
ReplyDeletei have a collection of over 500 pieces all of wich i found myself in sw texas by the rio grande. some are very unique. my favorite piece looks like some kind of fruit with a clear thumb print and bite mark with teeth marks visable.not sure how to post a picture or i would post several.
ReplyDeleteI have found very similar assemblages in the southern California desert near Joshua Tree National Park. Big debate as to whether they're just "rocks" or gathered at camp sites like mine in the middle of an ancient Yucca shidigera patch. They were coming here to escape the glaciers when it was the warmest point in the US and all came down the Pacific coast when the water level dropped 400 feet as seas froze into glaciers. Man was here, then he wasn't then appeared contemporary Native American DNA.
ReplyDeleteWell I have discovered my own prehistoric miniature skulls so they my have been found by native Americans who collected them in grave them .these fossils hold a lot of energy you can see the loom of radiant color flowing out and in my opinion have living microorganisms incubating with in the host alien fossils. They will develop with the right combination of organic materials sun air and energy because they are a nonorganic compound. I have seen this happen right befor they turned to ice .I freaked out and put it on ice .....
ReplyDeleteHi! I live in arkansas and I also have similar rocks like yours. I enjoyed looking at your finds. I should post pictures and let other Rock hounds enjoy and guess what I have found. Keep on rock hunting!
ReplyDeleteI'm working a site that has many similar artifacts. Thank u for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI've been following your findings for the past two years or more and I'm finding much of the same as well as unusual & perplexing treasures. I purchased my property in 2016 and began noticing the rocks, log funeral poles, green slag etc. It's also on the highest "mound" in our area (central virginia) which faces Northwest. It took me a while to figure everything out and I believe my theory is correct. However, I don't want to discuss on open forum. If you are willing to talk with me, please let me know and we can possibly go thru messenger privately. This is my first reach out as I've kept my findings to a select few in my family. Thank you so much!!
ReplyDeleteI'm on very similar boat!! Lots of kewl artifacts and fossils! Possibly even found dinosaur fossils. I live in Cincinnati Ohio
DeleteHi! Im in the Cincinnati area (Fairfield) & have virtually made my yard a dig site! LoL I've found bird, human & other animal effigies, arrow/spearheads, nutting stones. Grinding tools, portable art, bone handles, a collection of stones (all same kind) that don't appear anywhere else in the yard or this area, fossils, fire starter rocks, hammer heads, possibly a grave & more! I am obsessed! I've stopped telling anyone but my partner (because she has no choice but to see me outside digging and taking up the kitchen/ bathroom sinks, counters, bathtub, dining room, buckets/ bowls/ baskets/ baking sheets etc with rocks Haha They don't see what I see & it's so fucking bizarre to me! I have contemplated contacting the museum center to see if anyone would be willing to take a look at what i have so far (to either tell me I'm accurate or nuts) but after reading folks experience with doing that I'm beginning to reconsider. 🤔😄 I truly don't care what people think of me, but I don't want to be committed either. LoL I'm also an empath and i swear i think i can almost see the maker of some of these items (i feel like a lot of them are Adena people(?) like this morning i found a stone that could've easily been dismissed as "just a rock " but ther longer i held it the more i could "see it"(?) I sensed it was a practice stone used by a young Adena boy that was just learning to carve! Yeah, convince someone of THAT shit!) Anyway, random to have found this forum (Id literally just grabbed my phone to check the temperature and Google ID a bird effigy i'd found - it happens like that for me...anyone else? 🤔) I was beginning to think I was alone in this fixation with "rocks". Has anyone set up a place where we can post/share our items, area found, etc? I'm so curious to see everyone else's finds and compare notes!
DeleteAbsolutely me, 100 percent. Every single word of that!!!
DeleteNow I'm really intrigued! I am also an empathy and have always felt some sort of connection to these rocks. I wonder...
DeleteHi! I see what you have and I know what they are. Don't let the naysayers tell you they're just rocks. I'm on a site right now in SW Ohio. It's an old village site and the owner of the property encourages me to hunt! I could fill a pickup bed too! I wish we could compare finds, but I'm not that great on the internet.
ReplyDeleteRight on.
DeleteI am also digging in a site in SW Ohio. I believe my home is on an old Indian village since I am finding a lot of Indian artifacts popping up everywhere around my house. I found a very large cache of tools of every kind and size, and effigies of every kind and size. They are filling up part of my deck now. My family is not as appreciative of these rocks like I am and they have a hard time seeing what I am seeing. I think I have a gift of looking at the rocks and recognizing what they are. Maybe it was the fact the my eyes adjusted to seeing what the Indian was seeing. Whatever the reason, I am not seeing an end in site because I believe my whole small hillside is full of these things. I am getting much enjoyment out of seeing what each day brings me. I did show an archeologist some of my effigy finds and he blew me off, and said they were naturally made and that only well-polished effigies were Indians. It is a shame that the archeological world is missing out on these amazing rocks and what they can learn from them. My only problem is where do I keep all these rocks, especially if I decide to move from here? I also have cement/pebble sculptures that are amazing. They are mostly birds and fish. The archeologist informed me that Indians didn't know how to make cement. It is very frustrating to explain these artifacts to people and like the writer said before, more hard to get good picture depictions of them. So don't get disheartened. Everyone that has been finding these types of rocks, as a group, should stand together and not let this valuable artwork get pushed to the side. Maybe future generations will value them more for what they are.
DeleteHi! I see what you have and I know what they are. Don't let the naysayers tell you they're just rocks. I'm on a site right now in SW Ohio. It's an old village site and the owner of the property encourages me to hunt! I could fill a pickup bed too! I wish we could compare finds, but I'm not that great on the internet.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely artifacts! This is my passion! Are you collecting at Falls of the Angels? I'm from Central Indiana and familiar with the location...exit 0? Thank you for sharing and I'd love to know where you are finding them so I can appreciate then firsthand, as well
ReplyDeleteHi. I'm new to this sight. I didn't realize I was crazy but I don't care.I have found neat little rocks and such , all the way from Kansa and Colorado. Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Utah,Arizona, Nevada, and all over California. Also Death Valley, Rio Grande, Lake Tahoe , and many more. I try to take just the smallest most interesting as I have amassed quit a collection. I love the fact that others see the history and beauty that these small pieces carry in them. Worth more than money to me. Thank you and good luck to everyone out there who find and appreciate such wonders.
Deleteabsolutely love your post that is some cool s*** and I've found a whole bunch of that myself and I love it and Michigan Kalamazoo
ReplyDeleteHi me to
ReplyDeleteGlad there are so many with the same experience. I have an artifact collection i am dying to share with someone who A. believes they are artifacts and B. believes like i do that the stone tools i found are even more ancient than belonging to the native americans of our relatively recent history.
ReplyDeleteYou have a number of human modified rocks commonly known as portable rock art. There are also appears to be a number of naturally occurring ones as well. If you display them in groups of say 8 with similar motifs and orient them in the the same direction, it will add credibility to your collection. Portable rock art is a global phenomenon for at least hundreds of thousands of years. The oldest known manuport is 3 million years old. Dating them is the hardest aspect and the most disagreed upon. https://www.rockartmuseum.com
ReplyDeleteI have found a lit of the same artifacts mentioned in the comments above.My journey with these items started back in April of 2020.I was on a job sight one day and for some reason I got the urge to start looking around on the ground for arrowheads.I haven't found many of those I must say but I have found at least five sites around this area I live in which have a lot of this portable rock art or effigies or artifacts however one wants to put it.The ones that seem to find me are more often than not made of limestone.Some are even made of clay or dirt.It seems to me that these finds are in various stages .Like its either the dirt around here has a lot of lime or the natives new how to make concrete.Has anyone else made finds that are concrete metamorphic figures or concrete statues of metamorphic figures.
ReplyDeleteYes, I am finding concrete/pebble mixed effigies. They are real and I am finding quite a few in my dig site. They make me smile when I find one because they are very rare and cute. But the archeologist I was talking to said Indians in North America didn't know how to make cement. I have found information on the internet on the contrary although not a whole lot of info on this subject. It is mostly from Joseph Smith's writings of Hopewell's cement roads and wood and cement homes that he had information of. I also found an article on where some farmers were having a hard time tearing down a mound because it had a top lining of cement. But to me that is neither here nor there because us finding cement/pebble effigies should be proof enough. So take good care of those concrete statues.
DeleteI’ve lived on a 4 acre property for 40 years and only just discovered that the many rocks, stones and pebbles in my garden are covered in faces. I’ve found 100’s of examples. Some are astoundingly sophisticated carvings, from 12 square inches to the size of my baby fingernail. I’m In Michigan where some have said the ice had not receded at the time these tools were made. Obviously, this is not correct.
DeleteWow..... 🧐
ReplyDeleteI live in ala.and have Been finding these effigies for 20 yrs. Have you found out that you can bring inks out of the rocks and it will help you see there stories .ive made names for alot of the images, i know the dates were before the ice age.
ReplyDeleteI live in ala.and have Been finding these effigies for 20 yrs. Have you found out that you can bring inks out of the rocks and it will help you see there stories .ive made names for alot of the images, i know the dates were before the ice age.
ReplyDeleteHey Yankee, I'm in west ga near the little Tallapoosa. What part of Alabama are you in?
DeleteWhere can we post our pictures, proof is in the pictures. I've been picking up rocks all over the country. Definitely art
ReplyDeletehttps://eoliths.blogspot.com/ has a link to a forum on the right, people from all over the world share there finds, and you get none of the BS you will get on other forums.
DeleteHow do you bring the ink out of the rocks? I'm from Al and I have started collecting and reading these rocks just this year. I've always been a rockhound. But, now I live and breathe my rocks.
DeleteI have some rock like y'all have.
ReplyDeleteFor one solid month now my husband has been getting on me about digging holes in our yard. I have stuff that looks like theses pics. It's everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! Not crazy after all. Seriously doubting my sanity. No one around me is giving my large collection the time of day, of what my research says are guttural stones from the paleo era. Thousands of faces on each peice, animals ect. Dinosaur eggs, meteorites. Thousands of unique peices I found next to my garage. Definitely a collection from a previous home owner. I don't think they came from a gravel pit. Although I haven't ruled that out dinosaur teeth and bone, shark teeth all carved with precision. As well as dark images seemingly native in origin. Overwhelming the amount and still hundreds if not thousands still in the ground on the side of my garage.
ReplyDeleteI live in Texas and on my family's land there is a spring and all over our property as well as the subdivision I have found incredible artifacts. Is it possible for me to mail you pics and help identifying item and possibly even time period. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
ReplyDeleteYour welcome to share with like minded people on our forum.
DeleteArkansas has this abundance of carved stone artifacts also. I've got thousands of pieces...Your pics are awesome and don't worry bout those who deny these....the sight for this is s a gift. Yes a gift....
ReplyDeleteI also have a large selection that I just found i n the last month not as big as yours but i have some nice pieces hand axes ,knives hammer axes,and so fourth super amazing stuff!
ReplyDeleteShare your finds with us if you like, click my name.
ReplyDeleteHey honey, I PROMISE you that you don't just have "regular rocks."
ReplyDeleteI too have the same issue. I also live in Kentucky too! One county south of Louisville.
People don't see arrowheads and assume that arrowheads are the only stone artifacts. Not a lot of thought goes into the fact that people have been here since the stone age and before. Don't let them get you down. You know what rocks are formed by nature and which aren't.
And you can always look for signs of pecking and grinding on your stones.
Jeremy Kolpin again...I would be very interested in talking with you and trading some Picts...I have some very beautiful prices ...2 of them are some kind of jewel looking .transparent with amazing art not only on the outside but also inside the stone or material...also 3 dimensional ones ..hope to hear from you.. thanks jeremy
ReplyDeleteI’m not sure my first message was delivered correctly. Last summer I found a site and started biting rocks that I knew there was something special about but I didn’t know what they were I did bring them home over 200 pieces and I’m just now proving to myself what they are. I also get slack from everybody telling me that they’re nothing but rocks and then I have some kind of a cold where I see bases and stuff. This site holds thousands of more of these.I would be very interested in trading some pictures with you I have some beautiful pieces. Thanks again, Jeremy
ReplyDeletetheir are those that see,those who see when shown, and those who dont see Leonardo Da Vinci we live in southern Indiana and have many of the same rocks. we are starting to believe many are neanderthal.
ReplyDeleteMay i send you photo images of my secret site's rocks from somewhere in South Africa?
ReplyDeleteMay i send you photo images of my secret site's rocks from somewhere in South Africa?
ReplyDeleteMay i send you photo images of my secret site's rocks from somewhere in South Africa?
ReplyDeleteI have rocks of this shape and pattern taken from the desert in northern Saudi Arabia and I think that I have an explanation for these fossils that may or may not be correct.
ReplyDeleteIt may go back to the Stone Age and it was placed near an ancient tomb that is blessed and is intended for people when asking for help from the owner of the grave, or it may be offerings and a monument to divide in
Would love to connect...loveisthekey1187@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi I live in the west ga area and have just in the last couple of weeks began finding these stones, some petrified wood, many tools, etc. It started when I found 2 scrapers on my garden. Then I found a stone effigy of a woman holding a baby (I think) lol. Since I have found so many items.....and most I'm not even sure what they are. But you can even see lines on them where, at one time, they were tied to a handle of some fashion. I took some of them to a so called native American artifact expert and he told me that I had some neat "rocks". However, I can read people and their expressions. I saw on his face the brief recognition of what I see....then the part of his brain trained to not acknowledge anything that doesn't fit his concept of artificery kick in and he told me of how many good folk he has to let down because they see something they want to see. Lol.
ReplyDeleteI traveled a few miles down the road and a true native American with alot of experience in artifacts told me that he wasn't sure what I had but that it was ancient and outdated anything he knew of. He also said that some of what I had had been in the sea at one time.
I am so glad to find others that have similar experiences. My children even think I'm crazy. I truly believe that some people just refuse to see... subconsciously at least anyway
I've put together such a clear collection of accepted flint tools and sophist arguments, that is totaly undeniable, collections of a paleo axes that hold my pre-defined set of paleo glyphs, like a lexicon. It's unliky to get accepted any time soon, as crocodiles, tortoise, and dinosaur images are present, and acording to popular theory (In Britain) the earliest any of those appear in the fossil record is well over 30 million years ago, making large parts of the accepted paradigm that's pushed as fact, utterly false. Rock on!
ReplyDeleteI can see them also.only a couple of my friends canit all started after i found a full groove axe head at my friend's cabin on the Mississippi River i was getting 5 gallon buckets full too many to counti.im 51 been on the river since I've been 4 and didn't notice it till 4 years ago and their EVERYWHERE
ReplyDeleteHave u found the larger pieces?I find so many larger pieces but find myself dought ing my self
ReplyDeleteI found some pieces that really perked my curiosity curiously I have almost identical to some of yours....
ReplyDeleteHow do I upload images of the stuff I found. Would like to know what they where used for
ReplyDeleteI'm just 30 min north of Cincinnati.Im in a group The Other Artifacts you may want to check out.We as a group are growing and share alot similar works and opinion.You find it may just be a waste of time trying to convince a blind person to see when they refuse to open their eyes,but eventually what is in the dark will always come to light.
ReplyDeleteRight there with you all, I am in central California. They are all around me and I find them everywhere I travel. Almost like they call you in to them. And once you recognize this art you can't unsee it and it makes it so much easier to find it-and I mean literally it is everywhere I go. Who would have thought. Yes I too have images of dinosaur like creatures, tons of neanderthal or maybe Sasquatch faces, these definitely go way back before the "native Americans"-way older than 15,000 years I'm thinking...and quite possibly they are the products of many different civilizations spread across tens of thousands of years. I sure do wish science would get on board here and give some clarity to this but they avoid it like the plague. Kinda like they do the subjects of Giants, of Sasquatch, of so many things in our history. I'm wondering why.
ReplyDeleteS just confirmed for me that they are real
ReplyDeleteWhere can I find out what a stone I have with a picture on it???
ReplyDeleteThey are just rocks to some.
ReplyDeleteThank you for opening this discussion.
My Pa says they're just rocks and he's a wise man.
He never cared much for art anyway but he's not ready for the information some of these stones hold. I have Crystal skulls, some have platinum n gold. Some humans and many animals as well as various dinosaurs. Art imitates life. Want proof. I have a stone that literally has complex roads, buildings and human type figures that are clear as day when you look at it with microscope tryonbiggums.com@gmail.com
Hello, I just want to say I Malana Hukel loves Rocks. I have So many Rocks and everyone has a special place. Like what you fell when that moment you first get to go Rock Hunting , Second you find that Rock and you smile it is that moment that I knew I loved Rocks. I also feel like people miss understand anyone who looks down at the ground to look at Rocks. What about if your on DRUGS then you must look at Rocks. People NO. Rocks help me cleaned my head... It's Great Therapy for me . If anyone feels like it does help More power to you and the world. How brilliant has the Indians and Man made, earth to be able to let us talk about thier beautiful Rocks. Anyways I have some of my rocks I have lens googled them and nothing I understand. My choice of Rock is Agete's. Before my dad died he and I did the rock thing. Now it's the only rock that I always find. So it's close to me lol. I would love to see if my rocks are valuable or sellable I just wanted to know what I have ... Sorry if I wasn't supposed to share about help on what I have. It's a shot in the dark... Louisiana Alexandria is all I have ever been in rock looking. But wouldn't that be a blast to be able to just go and have a day filled with "Rocks"!! God bless ,☝️♥️
ReplyDeleteWell I have miss spelled some words. Lol on my last comment. But, I'm pretty sure it's the key pads. " Lol" ☝️♥️
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! I have a defense if my neighbors really do try to have me committed. Lol Thank the Lord above and whatever geniouses made these amazing pieces of art. I have a bachelor degree in gine arts. I studied art from all over the world and from every time frame. I have a huge collection. I couldn't stop going back for more. Like one person stated earlier, once you see them, you'll see them everywhere. I really thought I might be slipping gears. I looked high and low countless hours trying to find anything remotely close to what we all have. I cannot find anything. Yes, hard stone carvings from Ancient Asia, but still not the same. It's as though they figured out a way to combine different minerals for the color aspect. And the animal rocks, need I say more. ? Every slightest turn of the rock turns one animal into a other. How the holy hell did they create these ? I called our hometown archeologist, we live in an area rich with ancient history. Sarasota, FL the southwest side. He came to my shop and looked at them. The man could NOT see what I saw. He suggested I take pictures of the , print them out and lay a piece of tracing paper on top of the print out and draw for him what I see in the rocks. That was extremely helpful. Because the only good time to photograph these rocks (which makes the mystery even wierder) is at dusk or dawn. It is like they literally come to life during those times. I can't believe I'm putting this in writing, I truly believed I was losing it. Are they any updates as to who or when these could've possibly been created? I eagerly await your answers.
ReplyDeleteHi.. I live in southern Indiana and I love the exact same thing your doing. I too found a rock that has a skull face on it just a few weeks back. I was floored when I came across your article I would love some info on locations. I have lots of fossils. I just love everything about it. I hope you get back with me soon. Thank you!! Annie
ReplyDeletePs my littler rocks also click together with some kind of magnetic pull Piecing the shapes all together like a puzzle to form s bigger shape usually an animal
ReplyDeleteBeen feeling the same way, like I’m a little nutty on what I see and feel about the stones!!??
ReplyDeleteDon't let that shit get to you ,when your out looking the day flys by,relaxing enjoy it keep the best pieces .I can tell you how to verify your rocks at home but you'll think I'm on yheshit ,lol
ReplyDeleteA lot of traditional archaeologist and a lot of people that have learned from traditional archaeologists will tell you almost every time that it all looks natural unless it's something made from flint, jade , chert, obsidian, crystal quartz. And very well crafted. It drives them crazy to imagine an Indian making anything but perfect work .. reality is after 22,000 years or 12,000 years if your not into new discoveries of humans living in north America. After that long literally everywhere I look I see crudely made artifacts that have been made from whatever the most common rock is in the area.. including art. There is a huge part of artifacts that these people will not allow into the record.. if it's in a text book then that's the only truth is how they think . So don't fell crazy over some of the comments these people clearly refuse to except whats fact.
ReplyDeleteThey seem to think that the first human who decided to make a rock look like an animal produced a masterpiece on the first attempt and every attempt thereafter. It would have taken years of practice and trial and error with different tools techniques and materials to do the amazing things they did. Also, I have some that were probably perfect and very detailed when first produced but, being multi-faceted, they are even more vulnerable to the forces of nature that the "experts" credit for making them. They aren't crude, they are just damaged from rolling around in a creek for thousands of years.
DeleteI have found the same items you all are talking about.Yep thought I was going bat crap crazy.
ReplyDeleteHave let a few people look at them and sure enough very few can see what I see.
Several of my finds have more than one face on them and to be quite honest are scary as hell.
I often wonder what they witnessed or was it
I have a suspicion that these artifacts were highly valued and personal to the person that made them and also might have been passed down to generations of tribal members or clan.
I'm not unwilling to have a so called professional examine my finds but tell me this how many times can ma nature replicate or duplicate stones that are identical in shape ,form and features that are evident in these stones?
And we all thought we were crazy.
HELLO morons wake the hell up!!!🤣🤣🤣
They are not morons but some can not wake up yet. It's a privilege to see what you do and find what you find but not everyone is able to. It's your light that gives you this blessing and anger and hostility will dim it. If you are grateful for what you are able to experience, it shouldn't be necessary to force everyone else to experience it the same way you do.These stone tools and art and your ability to see them, fit them in your hands and find them is a part, somewhat of a small symptom of the gift of light that you carry inside and what you can do to bless the world with it.
ReplyDeleteWhy the demons/darkness can rule without limits if all the angels/light are brainwashed to believe they are only humans and their human fears and ego will cause them to forget their power, hide their light, destroy eachother and feed the darkness"
I have a piece that has a story and found a second that fits the piece and story. There is a third one that I had saved but can't find...it's like waiting for the final chapter to come out, frustrating knowing it is out there.
ReplyDeleteRooting for ya in California!
ReplyDeleteI’m in Tennessee and have an enormous amount of these type artifacts as well. I can see them so clearly and don’t understand how others can’t.
ReplyDeleteMarla could you please get in touch with me ? I have a recent discovery that may add more detail to your rock art depictions . Bridgmanalbert@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI have a slightly different view point on the artifacts I have found in central Texas. After years and years of going to three large sites every chance I could get, one day it dawned on me they knew there were fossils inside the rocks, so they first exposed the fossil, then followed with what type of tool they needed and what animal would be incorporated. Depending on the fossil found inside a stone, they found a way to carve six sides and there is always at least one animal but many have several animals on the sides. Every one of these animal shaped rocks has a very flat base on which it sits. It might sit on another side too, but there is only one extremely stable position in which it stands. Most of the tools are of a similar thickness, about 1". Bird heads are very common, bison, owls, bears, horses, lions, wolves, and camels. They are not all different. They basically follow a set design and the eyes are almost always small dots. The bird has a crest atop his head. I also find peoples faces on the rocks and they all have dots for eyes (mostly) and elongated faces, more like masks than scary people. I have a collection of many of their tools. I have spoons, all of which are shaped exactly the same. There are what I call barbie furniture that is a rock carved in the shape of a chair or sofa. Have no clue what they used these for. The art is detailed and can have depth but I see more fine line work with a shallow profile for animals.
ReplyDeleteAlso, agree with all y'all on the ignorant folks who don't get it.
What your saying is the basics of what people generally find, each item varies though obviosly. Numerous Animal head, front half and full profiles, worked into stones, some stand upright, many depictions often combined to create ambiguous illusions, if you find good examples it can dawn on one that these do not fit any standard archaeological narrative as the subjects do not fit with known local forna and timelines, dinos, gorilla, chimps etc etc, I have a paper, completely proves this from all sorts of angles.
ReplyDeleteI move to Saint James Missouri about 4 years ago . Was taught about hunting ,shead hunting and along the way found arrow heads in the creeks in the woods. First got to see up close a Indian tree is what i called it. Look it up very fasinating. That then got me looking at all the facinating rock. From rock art, arrowhead,to the tools the Indians use back then. We were thinking the house that we were renting was an Indian camp ground from all the facinating artifact we found. Then i started finding rock art and sometimes i kinda see words or something like painting on the rocks. I thought maybe i was just looking at rocks way to much but ask others around me and they saw what i saw and sometimes they would see something different.No drugs involved when looking at the rocks. Now trying to understand the meteor rock. I think it cool and very interesting but if you dont have a good back dont try it.lol. Happy rock,artifact,art, arrowhead hunting to all who can enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to have found your blog! I am in the mountains of Western North Carolina & I have been doing this for years & have so many of the same things as you show here. From teeny tiny to very big & all types. I am sure you already know how hard it's going to be, (or at least it is for me) to find an archaeologist to recognize them as native American artifacts. Very few will even look beyond the first few & then say they're Rocks, just Rocks. Nope! They're Not! I usually say that there are three types of people, those who see, those who see when shown, and those who do not see, periods. I'm just glad that I am one who does actually see. I myself cannot imagine making these especially with all the detail, amazing! I look forward to seeing the ones & am going to go look now!!
ReplyDeleteThese pictures above with the green background, do you have any information at all on this? Because I have one very very similar to this here in Western North Carolina. They have definitely been human modified.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone consider that all of this "effigies and rock art could be fossil from an very very long time ago, from an ocean that was here on earth before we knew how to make art. If you look at the patterns and details that are on the rocks you will find they'll all be from ocean type organic types of sea life (